Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What Is Timeline All 'About'?

Yesterday we spoke about Cover Photos but today is all about, well....‘About’. This is comparable to the ‘Info’ tab on classic Facebook. What’s better with the ‘About’ tab is that it is located front and center on your page. The old ‘Info’ tab was hidden on the sidelines. This is a place where you want to keep it short and sweet. Gatorade's ‘About’ is perfectly simple yet they are still able to portray their mission.

You have 150 characters to convince visitors to learn more about your business/brand story. A tagline is perfect. There is no need to type out the autobiography in ‘About’ because Timeline focuses on displaying and organizing the history of your business. This section also displays key information such as phone numbers, addresses, hours, etc, so making sure this is accurate and up-to-date is crucial.

With Timeline you can easily add ‘Milestones’ like when your business Grand Opening or a new product launch.  This is a new alternative to listing those details in your info. This will tell the story of your business in a nice, organized way leaving out the boring pages and paragraphs describing those events in unnecessary detail. Don’t forget to add photos with your milestones!  We are visual people in nature and photos and videos will only make these important milestones stand out to your followers!

Take advantage of these features.  They are a great way to bring your business to life making that personal connection to your customers by including them in the important landmarks of your business.

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