Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Why it Pays to Hire a Marketing Agency

OK, I know you’re not supposed to use a blog for sales purposes, and if you are a regular reader, you know that we usually never break this rule. 
But, I came across some research recently that, as I share with you, makes it so easy to segue into a sales pitch for BBG&G. So, if you’re not interested in a sales pitch, skip the last paragraph. But, don’t skip the main part of this blog, as it contains information that could prevent you from wasting your marketing dollars.
According to research done by Corporate Visions, and based on a poll of more than 440 b2b salespeople and marketers, findings show that: 
·      80% of Business-2-Business professionals say their marketing campaigns are ineffective. 
The reason given for the ineffective campaigns:
·      Lack of content that is relevant to customers
·      Copy isn’t provocative or engaging
·      Lack of alignment between sales and marketing
Overall, campaign messaging lacks customer focus. Are you focusing on your own company's products, features, and services, rather than focusing on your customers' wants and needs?
Boring content is ineffectual. Blogging, posting, and tweeting is intended for customer’s enjoyment. They want to get something useful out of it. Understanding your customers fully is vital. 

This is what BBG&G thrives at. Our inspired team creates bold messaging that challenges your prospect’s assumptions and creates urgency for change.  With us, you can be confident that your campaigns are grabbing the attention that they deserve. Call us today to chat about ways we can help you engage your customers! (845) 695-1880

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