Friday, February 25, 2011

Do Your Customers Feel the Love?

Customer service is severely lacking in many businesses. Here are some tips on how to better serve your customers and ensure that they "feel the love" on a regular basis.

· INFORM customers of updates in your service area that could be of
interest or value to them. This is not a sales pitch. It is added value.
· ALWAYS keep it personal. Don't send form letters or emails to your
entire customer database. Make it personalized to them.
· LISTEN. What really irks them? What are their favorite foods, wine,
music? When is their birthday? Anniversary? You don't need to know
it all... just keep good records and make a note of things as they
come up.
· COMMUNICATE often. Answer phone calls and emails immediately.
Don't rely on emails when a phone call is warranted.
· DO THE UNEXPECTED... go that extra mile.

We've all heard the facts about how expensive it is to obtain new customers compared to retaining the ones we have. But even without those statistics, I can't imagine why people wouldn't want to make the most out of the relationships they have built through time and hard work.

The world is filled with mediocrity. Do your best to raise the bar and excel at customer service.

June Bisel
Visit us on Facebook at BBG&G Advertising

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Facebook Advertising

With almost 700 million people currently on Facebook, I thought I'd talk a little bit today about the great advertising opportunities available through this networking site.

I'm sure you've noticed the advertising is very targeted to your interests. That's no mistake. Facebook's advertising set-up provides the advertiser with the ability to precisely target location, interests, gender, age groups, etc. And at an extremely reasonable CPC (cost per click), just about anyone can afford to advertise here.

With all the controls at your fingertips, you can make changes as needed. Switch out ads that are not getting results. Change your target market preferences to achieve the highest click-through rate. Update ads with special offers, seasonal changes, or to market specific products or services.

So if you have a limited advertising budget, with a good website in place, invest a bit in Facebook advertising. You may find you're very glad you did.

Check us out on Twitter @BBGGadv and on Facebook at BBG&G Advertising.

BBGG is a Certified Woman-owned advertising agency with unique strengths in marketing in this changing economy.

June Bisel