Monday, August 30, 2010

Good, Clean, Country Fun at the Dutchess County Fair

As I sat at the Joe Nichols concert Saturday night at the Dutchess County Fair, I took the time between entertainers to just look around me and take everything in... the lights, the sounds, the people, the animals, the smell of that food I just love and only allow myself to have on special nights like this, the stables and horse paddocks to my right. Two young ladies had brought their horses out for some late-night grazing and a run around the field.

Just being there makes me happy. And after sitting in hours of traffic to get there, I didn't think being happy would be possible. I was pretty cranky by the time I parked my car, but my mood changed pretty quickly as I walked through the main gate and entered the fair. As I sat on the Grandstand taking everything in, I couldn't imagine anywhere else I would rather be. And I couldn't help but think how very lucky we are, here in the Hudson Valley, to have such a great county fair every August.

My family and close friends actually plan our vacations around the fair, because none of us want to miss it. So if you've never gone, or haven't been there lately, make sure you mark your calendars for next year. Bring your family and your friends and have a day of good, clean, country fun at the Dutchess County Fair!

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