Monday, July 29, 2013

The Value of Traditional Advertising

Sixty two percent of consumers described online advertisements as “annoying”, while almost half said they were “invasive” (45%) and “distracting” (44%). Just a small group said online ads were “eye catching” (13 %), “clever” (12 %) or “persuasive” (8 %). One can’t help wonder, though, if all ads were created and designed well, would many of those people who found them invasive switch sides to finding them clever or persuasive? As with any advertising, if you are sending the right message to the correct audience, they will be interested.

While consumers primarily use online search for finding information, there’s still nothing like traditional advertising for creating awareness among your target market. Used cohesively, traditional and digital advertising provides you the opportunity to engage customers directly and effectively. Brands that successfully integrate both traditional and web advertising will ultimately achieve a greater return on their objective. 

BBG&G understands that today's marketing landscape is multidimensional and one best traversed by employing a well-developed blend of both digital and traditional messaging. If you're interested in working with an ad team that understands how buying decisions are made, give us a call.

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