Thursday, November 18, 2010

Marketing to Baby Boomers

At the Elant breakfast last week, author Matt Thornhill spoke to us about the impact the baby boomer generation is having on various industries, and in particular on the healthcare industry.

For those of you who are not sure who fits into the baby boomer category, anyone born between the years of 1946 and 1964 are included. And, it seems that as we go through life, we have been changing all the rules as we go along. Just making up new rules to suit our fancy. In fact, one of the rules that we have changed is the fact that we really do not want to age! And in our heads, we're not. Hence the saying "50 is the new 30".

Matt's presentation was so enjoyable that I even forgot to drink my second cup of morning coffee. It sat there on the table getting cold, as I turned my back to it - really not like me at all! But Matt had us all captivated, and we laughed as we realized that the reason what he was saying was so funny was because it was so true!

I just went online and ordered his new book at Thought you might want to do the same. Should be a good read, and I know that if you are in business, chances are you are marketing to the boomers and the information in this book should be very helpful.

June Bisel

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