Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Incorporating The Holidays Into Your Brand

In an earlier post, I spoke about how important it is to not only be consistent when it comes to your brand, but it is also important to take a lesson from the Boy Scouts and be your brand.  With the holidays approaching, many businesses struggle with how to go about spreading some holiday cheer.  Do you say Merry Christmas? Or do you take the safe route and wish everyone a happy holiday?

The fact is your brand is a big part of your personal life as well as your professional one.  Whether you celebrate Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza or just nothing at all, don't feel guilty about extending this to your brand image.  You wouldn't hide this aspect of your personal life would you? Then don't feel like your business has to! 

At BBG&G, we love telling all of the people we work with about our Christmas stories and we enjoy sending out Christmas cards to our clients.  It's not offensive.  It's who we are! After all, aren't marketers always preaching about adding a personality to your brand image? Though we respect every religion, this is who we are and we are not afraid to tell everyone. 

Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanza or just have a safe and happy day.  We look forward to hearing all of your holiday stories and to sharing some of ours as well.

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