• 77% Offered Incentives (Coupons, Discounts, etc.)
• 46% Solved a Problem
• 39% Solicited Feedback (Surveys, Research, etc.)
• 28% Entertain the Consumer
• 21% Market to the Consumer (Point per Click)
With a positive brand experience, 59% of social media consumers are more likely to buy a brand they engage with. That's a pretty large pay-off!
On the flip side, social media can also have the opposite affect and turn consumers OFF to your brand. Here are the three biggest mistakes to avoid:
• Don’t Act Irresponsibly Toward Consumers
• Don’t Over-Communicate or you will wind up in the Spam Filter
• Don’t Become Irrelevant by over-selling your product/service or by rambling on about things that are of little or no importance.
With studies suggesting the average marketing value of every Facebook “Like” at $130 plus, there’s a lot to gain here. And a lot to lose.
So engage, entertain, become a trusted resource, provide value, have fun ... and reap the benefits of social media!
June Bisel
Partner, BBG&G Advertising